Whitefield’s Epitaph

George Whitefield
All that was mortal of this great evangelist now rests in peace under the pulpit of the “Old South” Presbyterian Church, Newburyport, Mass., and was there placed at his request. In one corner of the building is erected a handsome tablet of Italian marble to his memory, bearing upon its face the following inscription:
“This cenotaph is erected, with affectionate veneration to the Rev. George Whitefield, born at Gloucester, England, December 16, 1714. Educated at Oxford University; ordained 1736. In a ministry of thirty-four years, he crossed the Atlantic thirteen times, and preached more than eighteen thousand sermons.
As a soldier of the cross, humble, devout, ardent, he put on the whole armor of God; preferring the honor of Christ to his own interest, repose, reputation and life. As a Christian orator, his deep piety, disinterested zeal and vivid imagination gave unexampled energy to his look, utterance and action.
Bold, fervent, pungent and popular in his eloquence, no other uninspired man ever preached to so large assemblies, or enforced the simple truths of the Gospel by motives so persuasive and awful, and with an influence so powerful on the hearts of his hearers. He died of asthma September 30, 1770, suddenly exchanging his life of unparalleled labors for his eternal rest.”
Whitefield’s Epitaph
George Whitefield preaching

George Whitefield preaching
For further research:
George Whitefield Wikipedia
George Whitefield Britannica