Evangelical Heroes

There were evangelical revivals throughout this century. Gypsy Smith, Torrey and Alexander and Seth Joshua were experiencing a quickening of the Spirit before the Welsh Revival arrived in 1904.

Evan Roberts was the most well-known revivalist, but there were others. The Welsh Revival spread like wildfire across the world like a spiritual tidal wave releasing many revivalists in its wake. Jonathan Goforth in Manchuria, R. D. Mackay in Korea, Amy Carmichael in South India and many others, surfed on this wave of the Spirit.

Throughout the century others carried the revival baton: 1921 saw the East Anglia Revival with Douglas Brown and Jock Troup in Scotland, Billy Graham emerged in the late ’40’s and Duncan Campbell was instrumental in Hebrides Islands in 1949.

Other revivals include the Indonesian Revival in 1965, the Jesus Movement in the late 60’s and 70’s, revival in the Solomon Islands in 1970, the Asbury Revival in 1970, the Canadian Revival in 1971, the Cambodian Revival in 1973 – and a few others to the end of the century!

At the moment we have these 20th Century Evangelical  bios:

Evan Roberts
Evan Roberts Testimony