Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) was an English Christian who spent many years as an evangelist, and church planter in U.K, with the Calvary Holiness Church with Maynard James. In 1958 he moved to the US and dedicated himself to the subjects of prayer and revival, becoming the most passionate and prolific preacher of revival in the twentieth century.
His books were many, notably Why Revival Tarries, Revival God’s Way, Sodom Had No Bible, America Is Too Young to Die, Revival Praying, amongst others.
Ravenhill identified differences between the New Testament Church and the Church in his era and urged people to follow the principles of biblical revival. With sharp wit, dry humour and striking one-liners he was able to uncover his hearers hidden lives and expose them to the radiant holiness of God.
“A. W. Tozer said you couldn’t be neutral toward Ravenhill, you either loved him or hated him. His preaching was to the conscious, it stabbed you in the heart. It calls for a verdict. He was too hot to handle. Leonard wasn’t just giving out information. …powerful, prophetic preaching to the conscious, where the presence of God affected you when you heard him preach.” – Mack Tomlinson
A close friend of A.W. Tozer and mentor to Keith Green, he powerfully influenced many well-known leaders, including Ray Comfort, Tommy Tenney, Steve Hill, Charles Stanley, Bill Gothard, Paul Washer, David Wilkerson, and thousands of other leaders across the world.
Leonard Ravenhill was one of the true unsung heroes of revival specialists.