For the last year we have teamed up with other ‘revival specialists,’ experienced men who teach revival histories and principles, and we have included many articles and series penned by them.
We have included a list of these men below, together with a short bio to whet your appetite for their articles.
Tony Cauchi
Tony was converted in a UK drug rehabilitation centre 1970, in the days of the Jesus Revolution, which harvested around 3 million converts from 1968 to 1972.
He was led to join Kensington Temple, a Pentecostal Church in London, which is now one of the largest in the land. The pastor, Eldin Corsie, encouraged him to attend Elim Bible College, which was a biblically-based training institution for Pentecostal ministries – mostly pastors. Today, it is called Regent’s College.
Here, he met his wife-to-be, Elizabeth and they began their adventure of a life-time with God. First, they continued a small church-plant in Malta, Tony’s family’s homeland in the Mediterranean. They experienced an extraordinary visitation of the Holy Spirit which brought rapid growth and conversions. After almost three years the (then) government, declared them ‘persona-non-grata’ and ordered their removal from the country.
They returned to UK, where their application for Pentecostal ministry was accepted and they joined the Elim Pentecostal church as leaders of a broke-down church in Yorkshire which needed re-planting. After a few years another outpouring of the Spirit occurred, hugely increasing attendees and converts.
Ten years later they left the North of England to plant a new church in Hampshire, in the South of England. They faithfully pastored this growing church for several years before the Holy Spirit again manifested his presence by supernatural visitations and miraculous experiences, which resulted in many converts and revived believers.Visit our partners,https://www.fakewatch.is/product-category/richard-mille/rm-011/ shoes leaders in fashionable footwear!
In these three church plants, the ministry of the Holy Spirit was always sought and periodically experienced, with great results and growth. These visitations were seasonal, in that they had a beginning and an end. Sometimes they occurred over several months, but in one of them the power of God peaked after several months, then was available over a longer period, whenever opportunities to pray for individuals was appropriate, or evangelistic events were held
Five years ago Tony and Elizabeth moved to Spain, where they have planted a new house-church where they continue to pastor. May God visit them with the power of the Holy Spirit. ‘Summon your power, God; show us your strength, our God, as you have done before.’ Ps 68:28
David Smithers
David has been an avid student of revival history and an advocate of prevailing prayer for almost 40 years.
His passion for revival has been enhanced and broadened by its connection with the restoration of the church to New Testament patterns.
He frequently teaches on the essential relationship between church revival and world missions at various Perspectives classes and YWAM’s DTS training schools.
J. Edwin Orr
“Dr. J. Edwin Orr, in my opinion, is one of the greatest authorities on the history of religious revivals in the Protestant world. I think that God has given him one of the greatest and most unique ministries anywhere in the nation . . . I know of no man who has a greater passion for worldwide revival or a greater love for the souls of men.”
Billy Graham
“Some men read history, some write it, and others make it. So far as the history of religious revivals is concerned, J. Edwin Orr belongs to all three categories.”
F.F. Bruce
J. Edwin Orr needs no further introduction!
Geoff Waugh
Born into a loving Christian family and the son of a Baptist pastor, Geoff was exposed to read of heroes of the faith, like John Bunyan, John Wesley, John Newton, William Carey, Florence Nightingale, David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, Hudson Taylor, and scores more. His appetite for revival was irreversibly activated!
After some years as a Baptist minister in Australia and in Papua New Guinea, he took the opportunity to work for the Queensland Methodist and the Uniting Church, where he studied fearless missiology with Fuller Theological Seminary.
Then came the 1970’s, when he was encountered by the wave of renewal and revival. He started to gather reports on revivals and later published them. His home church, Gateway Baptist in Brisbane, saw attendance grow from around 200 to over 1,200 in a decade.
He began to teach on the History of Revivals and on Signs and Wonders at the warmly hospitable Asian Theological Seminary in Manila in the Philippines in their hot summer schools; and trekking to dedicated little churches in the cities and villages of Nepal and Sri Lanka. The bewildering array of faith-filled Bible Schools—ranging from small local church Bible Schools in Nepal and Sri Lanka to the 600-student campus of the indigenous Indian Inland Mission near New Delhi in India— inspired us all.
Then, in1993 he began editing the interdenominational Renewal Journal, collecting testimonies of the marvellous and mysterious work of God around the world. Many of these are reproduced on this site.
Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) was an English Christian who spent many years as an evangelist, and church planter in U.K, with the Calvary Holiness Church with Maynard James. In 1958 he moved to the US and dedicated himself to the subjects of prayer and revival, becoming the most passionate and prolific preacher of revival in the twentieth century.
His books were many, notably Why Revival Tarries, Revival God’s Way, Sodom Had No Bible, America Is Too Young to Die, Revival Praying, amongst others.
Ravenhill identified differences between the New Testament Church and the Church in his era and urged people to follow the principles of biblical revival. With sharp wit, dry humour and striking one-liners he was able to uncover his hearers hidden lives and expose them to the radiant holiness of God.
Robert Evans
Coming soon
We also have a number of articles and series by Martin Lloyd-Jones, J I. Packer, and others.