1800 Gasper River Revival: A Spark in the Second Great Awakening

1800 Gasper River Revival

James McGready

The Gasper River Revival of 1800 stands as a pivotal event in the religious landscape of the early United States, igniting a flame of spiritual fervour that spread throughout the nation and significantly contributed to the Second Great Awakening. This revival, characterized by intense spiritual experiences and emotional displays, transformed the lives of countless individuals and left an indelible mark on the history of American Christianity.

A Land Ripe for Revival: The Religious Climate in Kentucky

In the late 18th century, Kentucky was a frontier region with a diverse religious landscape. While Baptists were among the early religious pioneers, establishing churches and promoting public worship, other denominations, including Presbyterians, were also present years before Kentucky achieved statehood 1. However, the rapid population growth in the 1790s, coupled with the influx of settlers from various backgrounds, created challenges for religious institutions. Church attendance was often sparse, and a sense of spiritual decline permeated many communities 2.

This decline was not solely anecdotal. Statistical data reveals a concerning trend. In 1790, there were 42 Baptist churches in Kentucky with a membership of 3,105. However, by 1800, despite a significant increase in the overall population, the number of Baptists had not kept pace, with 106 churches and 5,119 members reported 3.

This decline in religious engagement alarmed many religious leaders, prompting calls for spiritual renewal. In 1798, the Presbyterian General Assembly designated a day for fasting, humiliation, and prayer, seeking to redeem the frontier from what they perceived as “Egyptian darkness” 4.

Adding to the complexity of the religious climate, many settlers in Logan County, where the Gasper River revival would take place, were individuals who had fled from established communities in the East, seeking to escape legal troubles or societal constraints 3. This contributed to a culture where violence, gambling, and disregard for religious principles were prevalent. Amidst this environment of spiritual apathy and social unrest, a yearning for religious revival began to emerge.

Statistical Overview of Religious Decline

To further illustrate the religious climate in Kentucky before the revival, consider the following table, which presents the number of Baptist churches and members in 1790 and 1800:

YearNumber of Baptist ChurchesNumber of Baptist Members

This data highlights the decline in the proportion of Baptists relative to the overall population growth, indicating a broader trend of religious decline in the region.

The arrival of Presbyterian minister James McGready in Logan County in 1796 marked a turning point 3. Known for his fervent preaching and emphasis on personal piety, McGready pastored three small congregations: Red River, Muddy River, and Gasper River. His impassioned sermons, coupled with his call for a “concert of prayer” among his congregations, laid the groundwork for the revival that would soon unfold 5.

However, the path to revival was not without its challenges. During the winter of 1797-1798, a period of spiritual decline took hold, with a “general declension” and “coldness and deadness” spreading through the congregations 6. This period of dormancy served to further heighten the yearning for spiritual awakening among those who remained committed to their faith.

The Birth of Camp Meetings

The revival that swept through Kentucky in 1800 introduced a novel form of religious gathering that would become a hallmark of the Second Great Awakening: the camp meeting. These large-scale outdoor events, characterized by extended periods of preaching, singing, and emotional spiritual encounters, provided a unique platform for spiritual renewal and community building.

The origins of camp meetings can be traced to the sacramental meeting held at the Red River Meeting House in June 1800. This four-day gathering, modelled after traditional Scottish communion services, involved extended periods of preaching, prayer, and self-examination 2. As the meeting progressed, attendees began camping on the grounds, creating an atmosphere of sustained religious intensity. This spontaneous encampment marked a departure from traditional religious practices and laid the foundation for the organized camp meetings that would follow.

The camp meeting format proved particularly well-suited to the frontier environment. It allowed people from sparsely populated areas to gather in large numbers, fostering a sense of community and shared religious experience. The outdoor setting provided ample space for crowds that often numbered in the thousands, and the extended duration of the meetings allowed for a deeper immersion in religious activities.

The Fires Ignite: The Red River Meeting

The revival began in June 1800 at a sacramental meeting held at the Red River Meeting House. This four-day gathering, modelled after traditional Scottish communion services, involved extended periods of preaching, prayer, and self-examination 2. On the final day of the meeting, an extraordinary outpouring of the Holy Spirit swept through the congregation 3. People were overwhelmed with emotion, crying out for mercy and experiencing profound spiritual awakenings 5.

This intense religious experience marked a departure from the more formal and restrained religious practices common in the East. The fervour and emotional displays witnessed at Red River set the stage for the development of camp meetings and signalled the beginning of a powerful religious awakening.

Gasper River: A Confluence of Spiritual Power

Following the Red River meeting, another gathering was organized at the Gasper River congregation in late July 1800. News of the spiritual outpouring at Red River had spread rapidly, drawing an estimated 8,000 people from as far as 100 miles away 5. The attendees, arriving mostly in wagons, transformed the Gasper River site into a sprawling encampment, marking one of the first large-scale camp meetings in American history.

The atmosphere at Gasper River was charged with religious intensity. Ministers preached by the light of flaming torches, their words echoing through the night as the crowd responded with fervent cries and emotional outbursts 5. The revival fervour permeated every corner of the gathering, with people experiencing spiritual encounters, confessing their sins, and finding solace in a fresh commitment to God 5.

The Gasper River Revival represented a significant shift from traditional British religious practices to more innovative and emotionally expressive forms of worship. This transition reflected the evolving Christian landscape of the new American nation, where frontier life and a growing sense of individualism fostered a more experiential and participatory approach to faith.

Manifestations of the Spirit: Physical and Emotional Responses

The Gasper River Revival was marked by a variety of physical and emotional manifestations, often attributed to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Participants reported experiencing intense convictions of sin, overwhelming joy, and a profound sense of God’s presence 3. Some individuals fell to the ground, seemingly overcome by emotion, while others exhibited uncontrollable bodily movements, known as “the jerks” 7.

One of the most striking manifestations was the phenomenon of “falling exercises,” where individuals would collapse to the floor, remaining prostrate and motionless for hours. Despite this physical state, those who experienced these episodes claimed to be fully conscious throughout 3.

These unusual occurrences, while startling to some, were seen by many as evidence of God’s direct intervention in the lives of individuals 8. The emotional and physical responses, though difficult to explain from a purely rational perspective, contributed to the revival’s intensity and its lasting impact on those who experienced it.

To illustrate the intensity of these experiences, consider the account of one participant who described the scene at Gasper River: “It was truly affecting to see little boys and girls, of nine, ten, and twelve years of age, and some younger, lying prostrate on the ground, weeping, praying and crying for mercy, like condemned criminals at the place of execution” 9. This vivid description captures the emotional depth and spiritual fervor that characterized the revival.

Key Figures and Their Roles

While the Gasper River Revival was a collective experience involving numerous participants, several key figures played crucial roles in shaping its course. James McGready, with his powerful preaching and emphasis on spiritual awakening, served as a catalyst for the revival’s initial spark 3. Other Presbyterian ministers, including John Rankin, William Hodge, and William and John McGee, also contributed significantly to the revival’s leadership and organization 3.

John Rankin, who later embraced Shakerism, served as the pastor of the Gasper River congregation during much of the revival period 8. His involvement highlights the diverse religious expressions that emerged from the revival’s influence.

Lasting Impact and the Second Great Awakening

The Gasper River Revival, along with the preceding Red River meeting, had a profound and lasting impact on the religious landscape of the United States. The revival’s emphasis on spiritual encounters, personal conversion, and the importance of religious community resonated with many Americans, particularly in frontier regions 9.

The camp meeting format, pioneered at these gatherings, quickly spread throughout Kentucky and Tennessee, becoming a defining feature of the Second Great Awakening 9. These large-scale outdoor events provided a platform for passionate preachers to reach vast audiences, fostering a sense of religious enthusiasm and contributing to a surge in church membership across various denominations 2.

The Gasper River Revival also played a crucial role in shaping the theological and social movements that emerged from the Second Great Awakening. The revival’s emphasis on personal experience and emotional expression contributed to the rise of new religious denominations, such as the Cumberland Presbyterians and the Disciples of Christ 4.

This emphasis on individual experience also fostered a sense of spiritual autonomy, which, in some cases, led to the fragmentation of existing denominations and the formation of new religious movements 10. Furthermore, the revival’s focus on spiritual renewal and moral reform laid the groundwork for social reform movements that addressed issues such as slavery, temperance, and education.

A Chronological Timeline of the Gasper River Revival

To provide a clearer understanding of the revival’s unfolding, the following timeline outlines the major events and figures:


DateEventKey Figures
May 1797First stirrings of revival at Gasper RiverJames McGready
July 1798Revival spirit intensifies at Gasper RiverJames McGready
July 1799Increased religious interest at Gasper RiverJames McGready
June 1800Revival breaks out at Red River Meeting HouseJames McGready, John Rankin, William Hodge, William McGee, John McGee
July 1800Large-scale camp meeting at Gasper RiverJames McGready, John Rankin


The Gasper River Revival of 1800 showcases the transforming power of revival experience. This remarkable event, born out of a desire for spiritual renewal in a frontier region, ignited a flame of religious fervour that spread throughout the nation, contributing significantly to the Second Great Awakening and shaping the course of American Christianity.

The revival’s emphasis on emotional expression, personal conversion, and the importance of religious community continues to resonate in contemporary religious practices, as evidenced by the continued popularity of emotionally charged religious services and revival meetings in many parts of the United States 10.

The Gasper River Revival’s significance extends beyond its immediate impact. It served as a catalyst for the development of camp meetings, a novel form of religious gathering that became a defining feature of the Second Great Awakening. These meetings facilitated the spread of religious enthusiasm and contributed to a surge in church membership across various denominations.

Moreover, the revival’s emphasis on personal experience and emotional expression fostered a sense of spiritual autonomy, which, in some cases, led to the fragmentation of existing denominations and the formation of new religious movements. This fragmentation, while potentially disruptive, also reflected a growing democratization of religious expression in the young American republic.

The Gasper River Revival also had a profound impact on the social and cultural landscape of the United States. Its focus on spiritual renewal and moral reform laid the groundwork for subsequent social reform movements that addressed issues such as slavery, temperance, and education. By emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and social action, the revival contributed to a growing awareness of social ills and a desire to create a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the Gasper River Revival of 1800 was a pivotal event in American religious history. It ignited a flame of spiritual fervour that transformed the lives of countless individuals, contributed to the rise of new religious movements, and laid the foundation for social reform. Its legacy continues to shape religious practices and social values in the United States today.

Works cited

  1. The Religious History of Lexington, Kentucky, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://www.visitlex.com/guides/post/the-religious-history-of-lexington-kentucky/
  2. Revival of 1800 – Wikipedia, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revival_of_1800
  3. The Great Revival of 1800 in Kentucky – Baptist History Homepage, accessed on December 14, 2024, http://baptisthistoryhomepage.com/ky.baptists.masters.chp9.revival.html
  4. Revival at Cane Ridge | Christian History Magazine, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/revival-at-cane-ridge
  5. 1800 Red and Gasper Rivers Revival – Revival Library, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://revival-library.org/histories/1800-red-and-gasper-rivers-revival/
  6. Logan County, Kentucky Revival – History of the Restoration Movement, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://www.therestorationmovement.com/_states/kentucky/awakening.html
  7. James McGready – History of the Restoration Movement, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://www.therestorationmovement.com/_states/kentucky/mcgready.htm
  8. Gasper River Meeting House, Logan County, Kentucky – Cumberland Presbyterian Church, accessed on December 14, 2024, http://www.cumberland.org/hfcpc/churches/GasRivKY.htm
  9. 1800 Revival at Red River and Gasper River – BEAUTIFUL FEETBEAUTIFUL FEET, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://romans1015.com/red-river/
  10. Red River Meeting House: Birthplace of the 2nd Great Awakening – Jen Miskov, accessed on December 14, 2024, https://jenmiskov.com/blog/redriver

Habakkuk 3:2

LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds,
LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known