Welcome to the New Revival Library
A comprehensive archive of Revival Histories, Revivalists, Revival & Restoration Resources

Revival Histories
Histories of Revival from Bible times through to the 21st century

Revival Heroes
A look at the lives of those who became channels of revival in their day.

Revival Resources
You will find materials here for the revival teacher, preacher or researcher.

How God has been restoring the New Testament Church throughout history.
Special Guests – Teachers of Awakenings
COMING SOON: J.I. Packer, Martin Lloyd Jones, Robert Evans and more…
Jonathan Edwards said, “Though there be a more constant influence of God’s Spirit always, in some degree, attending His ordinances; yet the way in which the greatest things have been done towards carrying on this work, always has been by remarkable effusions of the Spirit at special seasons of mercy…”
Revivals are His foremost way of advancing the quality and quantity of the church. This is His major antidote for church decline and the foremost method of reviving dying churches. Revival sparks mass evangelisation and the reaping of huge harvests of souls. In times of revival Christians renew their love for God, commit themselves to prayer, become serious about evangelism and see unprecedented numbers of converts. Revivals result in church growth, new church plants, the expansion of mission work and Christian social endeavour. We must seek Revival!
We have added many sketches and excerpts from the lives and writings of people who experienced powerful outpourings of the Holy Spirit in their day. Some may be well-known to you; others will be unfamiliar or unknown.
Their stories are not recorded here only for your education, but for your inspiration! What God did through these men and women, he can do through you, today!.
In revivals’ illustrious history we find our hope for the future. The stories demonstrate how God can turn individuals and nations around, especially in times of darkness and defeat. The people and principles you read about will stir your soul and impart faith that reaches God’s heart for a fresh outpouring of his Spirit.
We have included many new revival sermons, articles and series that will fuel you inner fire and ignite a passion for a fresh revival which we so desperately need.
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Everything you need to know about this amazing man of God: a timeline of each section of his life, many free sermons, pen-sketches of most of his close associates and fellow ministers, a bibliography.
You will also find details of Smith Wigglesworth: The Ultimate Collection – the largest digital collection of Wigglesworth materials available in the world today.
One of the most powerful tools for bringing people to Christ available today. This is an off-the-shelf, 5 weeks course designed for local churches to reap an evangelistic harvest in 2024 – written by the Revival Library’s Tony Cauchi. Click on the image to access the site.
The Healing Revival of 1947-57 was undoubtedly one of the greatest revivals the world has ever seen.
Pentecostalism was revitalised, a new wave of evangelistic initiatives circled the globe, reaping tens of thousands of new converts. It birthed the The Latter Rain Movement, which in turn, led to the charismatic, restoration and prophetic movements which swept through the entire world, through to the 21st century.